Digital Wellbeing

The importance of the digital in supporting health and wellbeing is already recognized worldwide. The pandemic period has reinforced its relevance, and the European Union braces this topic in the [...]

2022-11-22T12:47:02+00:00May 24th, 2022|Tech Days|

Data-driven Organizations

Data has become crucial to companies’ success, but most companies are still lagging. Many employees have access to data they shouldn’t have, rogue data propagates in silos and companies’ [...]

2022-04-26T16:35:56+00:00April 26th, 2022|Tech Days|

The Power of New Technology Integration

In this TechDay @ Altice Labs event we presented a subset of relevant technological subjects being addressed, like 5G networks, Edge/Cloud computing continuum, data-driven technologies and Artificial Intelligence, and [...]

2021-10-29T02:31:46+00:00October 29th, 2021|Tech Days|

5G: Looking into the Future

This 116th Tech Day will be dedicated to “5G: Looking into the Future”. For 40 months, the “Mobilizador 5G” project had the mission to research, develop, validate, and finally demonstrate [...]

2021-10-29T02:50:19+00:00June 2nd, 2021|Tech Days|
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