3rd edition of HortaLabs

Disconnecting from the fast pace of daily life and connecting with nature by growing your own food is the goal of HortaLabs, a project that Altice Labs embraced and [...]

2023-02-08T16:53:02+00:00March 10th, 2022|Culture|

Employees plant fruit trees

The popular saying goes that in life we have to perform three acts to make our existence complete: "Plant a tree, have a child and write a book". Some [...]

2023-02-08T16:53:33+00:00February 9th, 2022|Culture|

2nd Edition of HortaLabs

The growing concern for healthy eating has led more and more people to want to grow their own food. Altice Labs provided space for some people to grow it [...]

2023-02-08T17:01:32+00:00April 20th, 2021|Culture|

“a” Challenge

We proposed a new initiative for employees to let their imagination run wild and put their creativity into action, with some used/available materials. The idea was to represent the [...]

2023-02-08T17:01:59+00:00April 9th, 2021|Culture|


The growing concern with healthy eating has led more and more people to want to grow their own food. It is not difficult to do this, nor is it [...]

2023-02-08T17:07:16+00:00July 15th, 2020|Culture|

Virtual Gymnastics

Now more than ever doing a little exercise is an excellent way to free your mind and help fight the coronavirus. As we are unable to provide a Gymnastics [...]

2023-02-08T17:08:51+00:00March 1st, 2020|Culture|
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