On the 14th December 2017 a workshop was held in London between the ETSI ENI ISG (Experiential Network Intelligence Group) and representatives of the H2020 Slicenet project.

The main goal of the project is to define the architecture and implement a prototype solution that allows the rapid and flexible management of network slices creation, that is, a logical network built on the network resources of one or more operators, capable of responding to the connectivity requirements of specific industry sectors (Energy, Agriculture, Industry 4.0, …) and society (Smart Cities, Smart Places, …).

Altice Labs will have as main objective the evolution of the OSSs product line in the area of ​​fulfillment and assurance for the slice-aware paradigm in 5G environments, as well as the introduction of artificial intelligence mechanisms in operational management processes.

This event was hosted by ENI (Experiential Network Intelligence) and promoted by Altice Labs, which, through its presence in both organizations, contributed to the rapprochement between the ISG (Industry Standards Group) and the project, opening – after the workshop – new possibilities for cooperation in the field of network and service management based on Artificial Intelligence.