Project Information
Project Information
Project name
FLOYD – 5G/SDN Intelligent Systems For LOw latencY V2X communications in cross-Domain mobility applications
Main objective
Improve mobility services and accelerate the integration of autonomous driving in our society, by advancing the networking and computation technological bedrock on which complex mobility and autonomy services and functionalities can be built.
In FLOYD, this goal is framed by a concrete real-world application for cooperative autonomous driving systems: vehicular platooning.
Intervention area
Beneficiary entity
Capgemini Engineering
Approval date
Start date
End date
Total eligible costs
European Union funding
FEDER: 798.974,06€
- Explore and evaluate the performance the physical and MAC layer capabilities of the upcoming 5G technologies (Massive MIMO, beamforming) and of existing open wireless standards (IEEE 802.11ac/ad/ax/p) to support mobile or vehicular nodes in the context of vehicle-to-everything communications (V2X).
- Identify a suite of tools to monitor the network quality across access and core for both 5G and open access networks.
- Advance the state of the art on edge, cloud or hybrid computing approaches by showcasing its feasibility and application to mobility and vehicular services.
- Develop strategies for the communication/computation service provider to provide continuous, uninterrupted network and edge/cloud computing service to the mobile or cooperative vehicle.
- Explore Network Slicing for Public and Non-Public Networks.
- Guarantee the reliability and the trustworthy deployment of V2X communication, as well as of platooning applications that will leverage them.
- Explore the potential of Artificial Intelligence by identifying processes in mobility, autonomy or network operation that follow complex behaviors.
Project name
FLOYD – 5G/SDN Intelligent Systems For LOw latencY V2X communications in cross-Domain mobility applications
Main objective
Improve mobility services and accelerate the integration of autonomous driving in our society, by advancing the networking and computation technological bedrock on which complex mobility and autonomy services and functionalities can be built.
In FLOYD, this goal is framed by a concrete real-world application for cooperative autonomous driving systems: vehicular platooning.
Intervention area
Beneficiary entity
Capgemini Engineering
Approval date
Start date
End date
Total eligible costs
European Union funding
FEDER: 798.974,06€
- Explore and evaluate the performance the physical and MAC layer capabilities of the upcoming 5G technologies (Massive MIMO, beamforming) and of existing open wireless standards (IEEE 802.11ac/ad/ax/p) to support mobile or vehicular nodes in the context of vehicle-to-everything communications (V2X).
- Identify a suite of tools to monitor the network quality across access and core for both 5G and open access networks.
- Advance the state of the art on edge, cloud or hybrid computing approaches by showcasing its feasibility and application to mobility and vehicular services.
- Develop strategies for the communication/computation service provider to provide continuous, uninterrupted network and edge/cloud computing service to the mobile or cooperative vehicle.
- Explore Network Slicing for Public and Non-Public Networks.
- Guarantee the reliability and the trustworthy deployment of V2X communication, as well as of platooning applications that will leverage them.
- Explore the potential of Artificial Intelligence by identifying processes in mobility, autonomy or network operation that follow complex behaviors.
Co-financed by:

Project FLOYD (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-045912) is cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (COMPETE 2020) and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the CMU Portugal programme.
Co-financed by:

Project FLOYD (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-045912) is cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (COMPETE 2020) and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the CMU Portugal programme.
Project Consortium
Project Consortium
FLOYD is part of the CMU Portugal programme, supported by the Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science Department
Partner | Page Title | Authors | Venue | Type |
CISTER | On the Optimum Number of Antennas for V2V LOS Links with Ground Reflection | Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Ramiro Sámano-Robles, and Amir Hossein Farzamiyan | In 2020 IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference (LAMC 2020), pp. 1-3. IEEE, 2021 | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | In-Tunnel Multi-Ray Analysis for Los V2V Links with Multiple Antennas. | Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, and Ramiro Sámano-Robles | In 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), pp. 783-788. IEEE, 2021 | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Geolocation-based Sector Selection for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure 802.11ad Communication | Mattos, M., Rodrigues, A., Meireles, R. & Aguiar, A. | Proceedings of 19th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet) | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Geolocation-based sector selection for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure 802.11ad communication | M. Mattos, A. Rodrigues, R. Meireles, A. Aguiar | Computer Communications, Vol. 193, No. 9, pp. 224 – 233, September, 2022 | International peer-reviewed journal |
IT | Human Mobility Support for Personalised Data Offloading | E. Lima Lima, A. Aguiar, P.M.C. Carvalho, A.V. Viana | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 1505 – 1520, February, 2022 | International peer-reviewed journal |
IT | A WiSARD-based conditional branch predictor | ESANN 2022, | Poster | |
CISTER | Improving the Performance of Cooperative Platooning With Restricted Message Trigger Thresholds | E. V. Filho, P. M. Santos, R. Severino, A. Koubaa, E. Tovar | IEEE Access | International peer-reviewed journal |
CISTER | Work-in-Progress: Exploring the Composition of Synchronous Intelligent Intersections | Radha Reddy, Luis Almeida, Pedro M. Santos, Eduardo Tovar | RTSS 20224 | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding for V2V LOS Links with Ground Reflections | Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Ramiro Robles | In 24th International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON 2022). 11 to 15, Sep, 2022. Gdańsk, Poland | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | Cooperative Vehicle Platoon Intra-Communications Over Space-Time Correlated Rice Fading Channels with co-Channel Interference | Ramiro Robles | In 2021 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IOT 2021), Trustworthiness workshop. Louisiana, U.S.A. | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | Development of a hardware in the Loop Ad-Hoc Testbed for Cooperative Vehicles Platooning | Enio Vasconcelos Filho, Bruno Mendes, Pedro M. Santos, Ricardo Severino, and Eduardo Tovar. | Accepted in EAI INTSYS 2022 | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER/VORTEX | A WSSL Implementation for Critical Cyber-Physical Systems Applications | Márcia C. Rocha, Enio Vasconcelos Filho, Fernando Alves, Sérgio Penna, Pedro M. Santos and Eduardo Tovar. | Submitted to 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Wi-Fi Throughput Estimation for Vehicle-To-Network Communication in Heterogeneous Wireless Environments | D. Teixeira, R. Meireles, A. Aguiar | 18th IFIP Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference 2023 | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Context-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Supporting WiFi Connectivity for Connected Vehicles | M. Hussain, F. França, A. Aguiar | 14th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | An ETSI ITS-Compliant Formation Protocol to Support Long Heterogeneous Platoons | S. Sabamoniri, P.M.Santos, L.Almeida | 14th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference | International peer-reviewed conference |
Partner | Page Title | Authors | Venue | Type |
CISTER | On the Optimum Number of Antennas for V2V LOS Links with Ground Reflection | Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Ramiro Sámano-Robles, and Amir Hossein Farzamiyan | In 2020 IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference (LAMC 2020), pp. 1-3. IEEE, 2021 | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | In-Tunnel Multi-Ray Analysis for Los V2V Links with Multiple Antennas. | Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, and Ramiro Sámano-Robles | In 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), pp. 783-788. IEEE, 2021 | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Geolocation-based Sector Selection for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure 802.11ad Communication | Mattos, M., Rodrigues, A., Meireles, R. & Aguiar, A. | Proceedings of 19th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet) | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Geolocation-based sector selection for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure 802.11ad communication | M. Mattos, A. Rodrigues, R. Meireles, A. Aguiar | Computer Communications, Vol. 193, No. 9, pp. 224 – 233, September, 2022 | International peer-reviewed journal |
IT | Human Mobility Support for Personalised Data Offloading | E. Lima Lima, A. Aguiar, P.M.C. Carvalho, A.V. Viana | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 1505 – 1520, February, 2022 | International peer-reviewed journal |
IT | A WiSARD-based conditional branch predictor | ESANN 2022, | Poster | |
CISTER | Improving the Performance of Cooperative Platooning With Restricted Message Trigger Thresholds | E. V. Filho, P. M. Santos, R. Severino, A. Koubaa, E. Tovar | IEEE Access | International peer-reviewed journal |
CISTER | Work-in-Progress: Exploring the Composition of Synchronous Intelligent Intersections | Radha Reddy, Luis Almeida, Pedro M. Santos, Eduardo Tovar | RTSS 20224 | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding for V2V LOS Links with Ground Reflections | Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Ramiro Robles | In 24th International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON 2022). 11 to 15, Sep, 2022. Gdańsk, Poland | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | Cooperative Vehicle Platoon Intra-Communications Over Space-Time Correlated Rice Fading Channels with co-Channel Interference | Ramiro Robles | In 2021 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IOT 2021), Trustworthiness workshop. Louisiana, U.S.A. | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | Development of a hardware in the Loop Ad-Hoc Testbed for Cooperative Vehicles Platooning | Enio Vasconcelos Filho, Bruno Mendes, Pedro M. Santos, Ricardo Severino, and Eduardo Tovar. | Accepted in EAI INTSYS 2022 | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER/VORTEX | A WSSL Implementation for Critical Cyber-Physical Systems Applications | Márcia C. Rocha, Enio Vasconcelos Filho, Fernando Alves, Sérgio Penna, Pedro M. Santos and Eduardo Tovar. | Submitted to 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Wi-Fi Throughput Estimation for Vehicle-To-Network Communication in Heterogeneous Wireless Environments | D. Teixeira, R. Meireles, A. Aguiar | 18th IFIP Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference 2023 | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Context-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Supporting WiFi Connectivity for Connected Vehicles | M. Hussain, F. França, A. Aguiar | 14th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | An ETSI ITS-Compliant Formation Protocol to Support Long Heterogeneous Platoons | S. Sabamoniri, P.M.Santos, L.Almeida | 14th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference | International peer-reviewed conference |
Partner | Page Title | Authors | Venue | Type |
CISTER | On the Optimum Number of Antennas for V2V LOS Links with Ground Reflection | Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Ramiro Sámano-Robles, and Amir Hossein Farzamiyan | In 2020 IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference (LAMC 2020), pp. 1-3. IEEE, 2021 | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | In-Tunnel Multi-Ray Analysis for Los V2V Links with Multiple Antennas. | Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, and Ramiro Sámano-Robles | In 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), pp. 783-788. IEEE, 2021 | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Geolocation-based Sector Selection for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure 802.11ad Communication | Mattos, M., Rodrigues, A., Meireles, R. & Aguiar, A. | Proceedings of 19th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet) | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Geolocation-based sector selection for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure 802.11ad communication | M. Mattos, A. Rodrigues, R. Meireles, A. Aguiar | Computer Communications, Vol. 193, No. 9, pp. 224 – 233, September, 2022 | International peer-reviewed journal |
IT | Human Mobility Support for Personalised Data Offloading | E. Lima Lima, A. Aguiar, P.M.C. Carvalho, A.V. Viana | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 1505 – 1520, February, 2022 | International peer-reviewed journal |
IT | A WiSARD-based conditional branch predictor | ESANN 2022, | Poster | |
CISTER | Improving the Performance of Cooperative Platooning With Restricted Message Trigger Thresholds | E. V. Filho, P. M. Santos, R. Severino, A. Koubaa, E. Tovar | IEEE Access | International peer-reviewed journal |
CISTER | Work-in-Progress: Exploring the Composition of Synchronous Intelligent Intersections | Radha Reddy, Luis Almeida, Pedro M. Santos, Eduardo Tovar | RTSS 20224 | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding for V2V LOS Links with Ground Reflections | Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Ramiro Robles | In 24th International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON 2022). 11 to 15, Sep, 2022. Gdańsk, Poland | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | Cooperative Vehicle Platoon Intra-Communications Over Space-Time Correlated Rice Fading Channels with co-Channel Interference | Ramiro Robles | In 2021 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IOT 2021), Trustworthiness workshop. Louisiana, U.S.A. | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | Development of a hardware in the Loop Ad-Hoc Testbed for Cooperative Vehicles Platooning | Enio Vasconcelos Filho, Bruno Mendes, Pedro M. Santos, Ricardo Severino, and Eduardo Tovar. | Accepted in EAI INTSYS 2022 | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER/VORTEX | A WSSL Implementation for Critical Cyber-Physical Systems Applications | Márcia C. Rocha, Enio Vasconcelos Filho, Fernando Alves, Sérgio Penna, Pedro M. Santos and Eduardo Tovar. | Submitted to 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Wi-Fi Throughput Estimation for Vehicle-To-Network Communication in Heterogeneous Wireless Environments | D. Teixeira, R. Meireles, A. Aguiar | 18th IFIP Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference 2023 | International peer-reviewed conference |
IT | Context-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Supporting WiFi Connectivity for Connected Vehicles | M. Hussain, F. França, A. Aguiar | 14th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference | International peer-reviewed conference |
CISTER | An ETSI ITS-Compliant Formation Protocol to Support Long Heterogeneous Platoons | S. Sabamoniri, P.M.Santos, L.Almeida | 14th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference | International peer-reviewed conference |
Partner | Thesis type (BSc,MSc,PhD) | Title | Author | Approved on |
IT | Ph.D. | Energy-aware Edge Offloading for Vehicular Applications in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | Sofia Martins | On-going |
CISTER | Ph.D. | Improving the Performance of Cooperative Vehicular Platooning within an Realistic Simulation Framework Approach | Ênio Vasconcelos Filho | On-going |
CISTER | Ph.D. | Cooperative ITS Management Architecture | Saeid Sabamoniri | On-going |
CISTER | M.Sc. | Implementing an Open-source Vehicular Networking Testbed | José Miguel Pinheiro | Jul 2022 |
IT | M.Sc. | Edge computing for VRU protection: empirical evaluation of 5G and 802.11 communication technologies | Afonso José Guerra da Mota de Almeida Azevedo | Jul 2021 |
IT | M.Sc. | Coordination of vehicles and vulnerable road users in heterogeneous wireless networks through edge-computing | Daniel Filipe da Rocha Teixeira | Dec 2022 |
IT | M.Sc. | Edge computing in 5G networks: empirical evaluation of 5G and 802.11 communication technologies | João Nuno Barbosa Meleiro das Neves | Jul 2021 |
IT | M.Sc. | Multi-homed and edge computing-based video analytics in automotive scenarios | Bruno Alexandre de Salabert Mauricio | Jul 2021 |
IT | M.Sc. | Mobile app for protecting cyclists and pedestrians in road traffic | Luís Alvela Duarte Mendes | Jul 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Evaluating 802.11p Communications Performance for a Safety-Critical Vehicular Application | João Pereira | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Development of a Line Follower Algorithm for an Indoor Cooperative Platooning Testbed | Tomás Sousa | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Development of an Indoor Cooperative Platooning Testbed: Localization and Platooning Algorithm | Carlos Gonçalves | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Development of a Hardware in the Loop Cooperative Vehicular Simulator | Bruno Mendes | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Improvement of an Autonomous Vehicular Testbed: Vehicle Following via Image Processing | José Santos | Sept. 2022 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | LIDAR Measurement and Following System | Duarte Moreira | Sept. 2022 |
CISTER | M.Sc. | Integrate 5G Libraries in a Vehicular Simulation Environment | Gabriella Fernandes | On-going |
IT | M.Sc. | Edge-Supported Cooperative Perception Services using 802.11p and 5G Communication | Bernardo Carrlho | On-going |
IT | M.Sc. | Setting Up a Non-Public 5G Open Source Network | José Pedro Rodrigues | On-going |
IT | B.Sc. | Understanding the impact of device mobility on 5G NR performance | João Piloni | On-going |
IT | M.Sc. | Measurement and modelling of 5G throughput performance | Miguel Pires | On-going |
Capgemini | Ph.D. | ColuVertical-aware and Dynamic System Orchestration | João Fonseca | On-going |
Capgemini | M.Sc. | Software Defined Radio 5G GNBs | Afonso Teixeira | On-going |
Capgemini | M.Sc. | Network Data Analytics for 5G | Rui Ferreira | On-going |
CISTER | M.Sc. | Integrating a 5G Module in a Autonomous Platooning Testbed | João Pereira | On-going |
Partner | Thesis type (BSc,MSc,PhD) | Title | Author | Approved on |
IT | Ph.D. | Energy-aware Edge Offloading for Vehicular Applications in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | Sofia Martins | On-going |
CISTER | Ph.D. | Improving the Performance of Cooperative Vehicular Platooning within an Realistic Simulation Framework Approach | Ênio Vasconcelos Filho | On-going |
CISTER | Ph.D. | Cooperative ITS Management Architecture | Saeid Sabamoniri | On-going |
CISTER | M.Sc. | Implementing an Open-source Vehicular Networking Testbed | José Miguel Pinheiro | Jul 2022 |
IT | M.Sc. | Edge computing for VRU protection: empirical evaluation of 5G and 802.11 communication technologies | Afonso José Guerra da Mota de Almeida Azevedo | Jul 2021 |
IT | M.Sc. | Coordination of vehicles and vulnerable road users in heterogeneous wireless networks through edge-computing | Daniel Filipe da Rocha Teixeira | Dec 2022 |
IT | M.Sc. | Edge computing in 5G networks: empirical evaluation of 5G and 802.11 communication technologies | João Nuno Barbosa Meleiro das Neves | Jul 2021 |
IT | M.Sc. | Multi-homed and edge computing-based video analytics in automotive scenarios | Bruno Alexandre de Salabert Mauricio | Jul 2021 |
IT | M.Sc. | Mobile app for protecting cyclists and pedestrians in road traffic | Luís Alvela Duarte Mendes | Jul 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Evaluating 802.11p Communications Performance for a Safety-Critical Vehicular Application | João Pereira | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Development of a Line Follower Algorithm for an Indoor Cooperative Platooning Testbed | Tomás Sousa | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Development of an Indoor Cooperative Platooning Testbed: Localization and Platooning Algorithm | Carlos Gonçalves | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Development of a Hardware in the Loop Cooperative Vehicular Simulator | Bruno Mendes | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Improvement of an Autonomous Vehicular Testbed: Vehicle Following via Image Processing | José Santos | Sept. 2022 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | LIDAR Measurement and Following System | Duarte Moreira | Sept. 2022 |
CISTER | M.Sc. | Integrate 5G Libraries in a Vehicular Simulation Environment | Gabriella Fernandes | On-going |
IT | M.Sc. | Edge-Supported Cooperative Perception Services using 802.11p and 5G Communication | Bernardo Carrlho | On-going |
IT | M.Sc. | Setting Up a Non-Public 5G Open Source Network | José Pedro Rodrigues | On-going |
IT | B.Sc. | Understanding the impact of device mobility on 5G NR performance | João Piloni | On-going |
IT | M.Sc. | Measurement and modelling of 5G throughput performance | Miguel Pires | On-going |
Capgemini | Ph.D. | ColuVertical-aware and Dynamic System Orchestration | João Fonseca | On-going |
Capgemini | M.Sc. | Software Defined Radio 5G GNBs | Afonso Teixeira | On-going |
Capgemini | M.Sc. | Network Data Analytics for 5G | Rui Ferreira | On-going |
CISTER | M.Sc. | Integrating a 5G Module in a Autonomous Platooning Testbed | João Pereira | On-going |
Partner | Thesis type (BSc,MSc,PhD) | Title | Author | Approved on |
IT | Ph.D. | Energy-aware Edge Offloading for Vehicular Applications in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | Sofia Martins | On-going |
CISTER | Ph.D. | Improving the Performance of Cooperative Vehicular Platooning within an Realistic Simulation Framework Approach | Ênio Vasconcelos Filho | On-going |
CISTER | Ph.D. | Cooperative ITS Management Architecture | Saeid Sabamoniri | On-going |
CISTER | M.Sc. | Implementing an Open-source Vehicular Networking Testbed | José Miguel Pinheiro | Jul 2022 |
IT | M.Sc. | Edge computing for VRU protection: empirical evaluation of 5G and 802.11 communication technologies | Afonso José Guerra da Mota de Almeida Azevedo | Jul 2021 |
IT | M.Sc. | Coordination of vehicles and vulnerable road users in heterogeneous wireless networks through edge-computing | Daniel Filipe da Rocha Teixeira | Dec 2022 |
IT | M.Sc. | Edge computing in 5G networks: empirical evaluation of 5G and 802.11 communication technologies | João Nuno Barbosa Meleiro das Neves | Jul 2021 |
IT | M.Sc. | Multi-homed and edge computing-based video analytics in automotive scenarios | Bruno Alexandre de Salabert Mauricio | Jul 2021 |
IT | M.Sc. | Mobile app for protecting cyclists and pedestrians in road traffic | Luís Alvela Duarte Mendes | Jul 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Evaluating 802.11p Communications Performance for a Safety-Critical Vehicular Application | João Pereira | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Development of a Line Follower Algorithm for an Indoor Cooperative Platooning Testbed | Tomás Sousa | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Development of an Indoor Cooperative Platooning Testbed: Localization and Platooning Algorithm | Carlos Gonçalves | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Development of a Hardware in the Loop Cooperative Vehicular Simulator | Bruno Mendes | Sept. 2021 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | Improvement of an Autonomous Vehicular Testbed: Vehicle Following via Image Processing | José Santos | Sept. 2022 |
CISTER | B.Sc. | LIDAR Measurement and Following System | Duarte Moreira | Sept. 2022 |
CISTER | M.Sc. | Integrate 5G Libraries in a Vehicular Simulation Environment | Gabriella Fernandes | On-going |
IT | M.Sc. | Edge-Supported Cooperative Perception Services using 802.11p and 5G Communication | Bernardo Carrlho | On-going |
IT | M.Sc. | Setting Up a Non-Public 5G Open Source Network | José Pedro Rodrigues | On-going |
IT | B.Sc. | Understanding the impact of device mobility on 5G NR performance | João Piloni | On-going |
IT | M.Sc. | Measurement and modelling of 5G throughput performance | Miguel Pires | On-going |
Capgemini | Ph.D. | ColuVertical-aware and Dynamic System Orchestration | João Fonseca | On-going |
Capgemini | M.Sc. | Software Defined Radio 5G GNBs | Afonso Teixeira | On-going |
Capgemini | M.Sc. | Network Data Analytics for 5G | Rui Ferreira | On-going |
CISTER | M.Sc. | Integrating a 5G Module in a Autonomous Platooning Testbed | João Pereira | On-going |
Periodic progress reports (Every 6 months)
Type: Confidential
Report with CMU collaboration model
(1st issue)
Date: 30/06/2021
Type: Confidential
Report with CMU collaboration model
(2nd issue)
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Confidential
Target V2X scenarios, requirements and business models
Date: 30/12/2021
Type: Public
Periodic progress reports (Every 6 months)
Type: Confidential
Report with CMU collaboration model
(1st issue)
Date: 30/06/2021
Type: Confidential
Report with CMU collaboration model
(2nd issue)
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Confidential
Target V2X scenarios, requirements and business models
Date: 30/12/2021
Type: Public
Overall System Architecture
Date: 31/12/2021
Type: Public
Updated view on standardization and regulation activities
Date: 31/12/2022
Type: Public
Preliminary Report on Network Management and Enhancements
Date: 30/06/2022
Type: Public
SW prototype for public/non-public network management
Date: 30/10/2022
Type: Public
Algorithms and edge nodes for V2Xapplications
Date: 28/02/2023
Type: Confidential
Final Report on Network Management and Enhancements
Date: 31/03/2023
Type: Public
Proof of concept Orchestrator for slicing-enabled V2X services
Date: 31/03/2023
Type: Confidential
Preliminary Report on Vehicular Connectivity and Applications
Date: 30/07/2022
Type: Public
Robotic or simulated platooning prototype enabled with network-triggered safety measures
Date: 31/01/2023
Type: Confidential
Final Report on Vehicular Connectivity and Applications
Date: 31/03/2023
Type: Public
Target metrics, KPIs and evaluation goals
Date: 30/09/2022
Type: Public
Preliminary evaluation of individual components
Date: 30/11/2022
Type: Public
Final evaluation of edge- and AI-enabled V2X solutions
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Technological demonstrators of network-enabled V2X scenarios
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Communication and dissemination plan
Date: 30/06/2021
Type: Public
Dissemination and communication results
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Post-project exploitation plan
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Periodic progress reports (Every 6 months)
Type: Confidential
Report with CMU collaboration model
(1st issue)
Date: 30/06/2021
Type: Confidential
Report with CMU collaboration model
(2nd issue)
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Confidential
Target V2X scenarios, requirements and business models
Date: 30/12/2021
Type: Public
Overall System Architecture
Date: 31/12/2021
Type: Public
Updated view on standardization and regulation activities
Date: 31/12/2022
Type: Public
Preliminary Report on Network Management and Enhancements
Date: 30/06/2022
Type: Public
SW prototype for public/non-public network management
Date: 30/10/2022
Type: Public
Algorithms and edge nodes for V2Xapplications
Date: 28/02/2023
Type: Confidential
Final Report on Network Management and Enhancements
Date: 31/03/2023
Type: Public
Proof of concept Orchestrator for slicing-enabled V2X services
Date: 31/03/2023
Type: Confidential
Preliminary Report on Vehicular Connectivity and Applications
Date: 30/07/2022
Type: Public
Robotic or simulated platooning prototype enabled with network-triggered safety measures
Date: 31/01/2023
Type: Confidential
Final Report on Vehicular Connectivity and Applications
Date: 31/03/2023
Type: Public
Target metrics, KPIs and evaluation goals
Date: 30/09/2022
Type: Public
Preliminary evaluation of individual components
Date: 30/11/2022
Type: Public
Final evaluation of edge- and AI-enabled V2X solutions
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Technological demonstrators of network-enabled V2X scenarios
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Communication and dissemination plan
Date: 30/06/2021
Type: Public
Dissemination and communication results
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Post-project exploitation plan
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Overall System Architecture
Date: 31/12/2021
Type: Public
Updated view on standardization and regulation activities
Date: 31/12/2022
Type: Public
Preliminary Report on Network Management and Enhancements
Date: 30/06/2022
Type: Public
SW prototype for public/non-public network management
Date: 30/10/2022
Type: Public
Algorithms and edge nodes for V2Xapplications
Date: 28/02/2023
Type: Confidential
Final Report on Network Management and Enhancements
Date: 31/03/2023
Type: Public
Proof of concept Orchestrator for slicing-enabled V2X services
Date: 31/03/2023
Type: Confidential
Preliminary Report on Vehicular Connectivity and Applications
Date: 30/07/2022
Type: Public
Robotic or simulated platooning prototype enabled with network-triggered safety measures
Date: 31/01/2023
Type: Confidential
Final Report on Vehicular Connectivity and Applications
Date: 31/03/2023
Type: Public
Target metrics, KPIs and evaluation goals
Date: 30/09/2022
Type: Public
Preliminary evaluation of individual components
Date: 30/11/2022
Type: Public
Final evaluation of edge- and AI-enabled V2X solutions
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Technological demonstrators of network-enabled V2X scenarios
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Communication and dissemination plan
Date: 30/06/2021
Type: Public
Dissemination and communication results
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public
Post-project exploitation plan
Date: 30/06/2023
Type: Public