City Catalyst

Catalyst for sustainable cities

Project name
City Catalyst – Catalyst for sustainable cities


Operation type
Incentive System for Research and Technological Development – Mobilizing Programs

Operation code

Thematic objective
OT 1 – Strengthen research, technological development and innovation

Intervention area
North, Center, Lisbon

Lead promoter
EFACEC Energia – Máquinas e Equipamentos Elétricos S.A.


  • EFACEC Engenharia e Sistemas, S.A
  • Altice Labs (ALB)
  • Ubiwhere, Lda
  • ADYTA, Lda
  • NOS Comunicações, S.A.
  • Associação Porto Digital
  • Associação Porto Business School – U.Porto
  • CEiiA – Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento (Associação)
  • Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research
  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Associação C.C.G /ZGDV – Centro de Computação Gráfica
  • Instituto de Telecomunicações
  • Universidade do Porto
  • INESC TEC – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência
  • Associação para o Pólo das Tecnologias de Informação, Comunicação e Electrónica –
  • Universidade do Porto – Faculdade de Engenharia

Approval date

Start date

End date

Total eligible investment

European Union funding support through FEDER

Funding program
Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI), Lisbon Operational Program (PO Lisbon)

Brief description of the project
Scientific and technological developments in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are unequivocally contributing to the sustainable growth of cities worldwide, making them smarter and more sustainable. In fact, the global market for Smart Cities is growing rapidly, with a CAGR of 14.8%, with an estimated growth of 350 billion euros in 2020, to 700 billion euros of euros in 2025. Technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) have contributed to improving the efficiency of urban services, filling some of the main gaps in terms of energy, mobility, security, privacy and environmental sustainability, but there is still a long way to go.
The mobilizing project “City Catalyst – Catalyst for sustainable cities” aims to investigate and develop new products, processes and services with high potential, contributing to an integrated, efficient and innovation-catalyzing urban management, based on specific contributions to the implementation and interoperability of urban platforms.
The project is structured in 5 main lines of R&D, pioneers in the view of Smart and Sustainable Cities, which will be developed in consortium, over 36 months:

  • 1) Sensing, communication and computational processing infrastructures;
  • 2) Information security and privacy;
  • 3) Data models and interfaces;
  • 4) Open innovation and co-creation processes for the competitiveness of smart cities;
  • 5) Development of systems that promote sustainability in cities.

As a result, it is intended to develop 5 Demonstrators in the cities of Oporto, Aveiro, Guimarães, Famalicão and Cascais, in order to validate the functioning of at least 21 new products, processes and services, resulting from research and technological development activities and innovation of the CityCatalyst project. It is intended, therefore, to provide Portuguese cities with new capacities, so that they become a reference stage for other cities in the world.

Co-financed by:

financing lisboa e1626396649784