CMTV’s “Falar Global” tv program, which portrays new technologies, trends, behaviours and innovation in Portuguese society, recently carried out a report at Altice Labs with Altice International Innovation Award (AIIA) as its main theme.

In an interview with Alcino Lavrador, General Manager of Altice Labs, it is possible to know more about the biggest innovation awards given in Portugal, from this and previous years, as well as the importance of new technologies for social inclusion.

The SenseGlove project, proposed by the startup Glooma, which consists of an intelligent glove for breast cancer screening and Collision Avoidance on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Deep Neural Networks, a conceptual framework focused on unmanned, autonomous and networked aerial vehicles, for collision avoidance with small objects, were the winners of AIIA’s 2021 edition, in the Startups and Academia categories, namely.

If you haven’t had a chance to watch this report from “Falar Global” you can watch it on Altice Labs’ YouTube channel.