Altice Labs’ 118th TechDay took place on the 30th of November, under the theme “From Small Cells to Big Business”. The session was moderated by Paula Cravo, from Altice Labs’ Technology and Innovation Strategy department. Pedro Carvalho, also from the Technology and Innovation Strategy department, opened the session, framing the theme and introducing the speakers.

The first presentation was from Carlos Pardelinha from Altice Portugal who spoke about Open RAN, introducing the topic, explaining the benefits and challenges from the operator’s perspective and making the state of play at Altice Portugal.

Samuel Madail, from the Network Systems Development department, continued the session by talking about the developments underway at Altice Labs, focusing on the benefits of this architecture from the perspective of consumers and operators. He highlighted the indoor and outdoor solutions and their integration into Altice Labs’ reference architecture for telecom networks.

The speakers that followed were Vitor Marques, from the Network Systems Development department, who explained the evolution of network architecture, and Arnaldo Oliveira, from the Telecommunications Institute of Aveiro, who presented the results of the developments made in conjunction with Altice Labs on this subject, focusing on the development of an RFSoc (Radio Frequency System on Chip).

Rafael Caldeirinha, from the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, closed the set of talks focusing on the “Invisible 5G” project, which aims at integrating small cells in the landscape and urban furniture in order to minimize the aesthetical impact on the implementation of this architecture.

The workshop ended with the answers of the speakers to the questions posed by the participants during the workshop.