White paper “Towards churn prediction on TELCO operator”

This work focuses mainly on pay-as-you-go clients with uneven top-ups during their lifetime

White paper “Towards churn prediction on TELCO operator”

This work focuses mainly on pay-as-you-go clients with uneven top-ups during their lifetime


In a world full of services and with the cost of acquiring a new customer much greater than retaining customers already in the operator, detecting who is about to leave a company proves to be a crucial differentiator factor in TELCO companies. This study clarifies that churn prediction is possible and very feasible through raw datasets and feature engineering.


In a world full of services and with the cost of acquiring a new customer much greater than retaining customers already in the operator, detecting who is about to leave a company proves to be a crucial differentiator factor in TELCO companies. This study clarifies that churn prediction is possible and very feasible through raw datasets and feature engineering.

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