University of Minho / Start Point Summit
Altice Labs was once again Start Point Summit at the University of Minho in Braga. During the 9th of November it was possible to contact a large number of students from the Braga community, presenting them all the available opportunities in terms of Internships and jobs. This employment, entrepreneurship and training fair brought to this university more than fifty companies and a lot of animation between presentations, demonstrations and networking. The HR team was honored to have the support of Pedro Lima, from Altice Labs’ Operations Support Systems department, and Pedro António, from Altice Labs’ Network Services and Platforms department, in presenting the company and its proposals to the visitors.
University of Aveiro / University 5.0 – 2nd edition
On the 10th of November took place another edition of the Job Fair – University 5.0 organized by the University of Aveiro, which had a high turnout. Altice Labs was represented with a booth at the Job Fair, which allowed to establish a constant interaction with all students, introducing the company, answering questions and proposing internship projects. Simultaneously, Altice Labs was also involved in quick interview sessions that gave young students from Aveiro the opportunity to share their aspirations and tastes at a professional level.
University of Algarve / Penha Campus – Internship Fair
With the aim of promoting interaction between companies from all over the country and students interested in proceeding with their internship, another edition of the Internship Fair promoted by the University of Algarve took place on the 23rd of November at Penha Campus. This event had a booth, which allowed Altice Labs to have a direct contact with students, giving them the possibility and opportunity to know the various projects available for academic / professional internships 2022/23. Altice Labs had the privilege of having the support of Fernando Afonso, from Altice Labs’ Innovation Strategy and Digital department, and Célio Abreu, from Altice Labs’ Network Services and Platforms department, in introducing the company and in presenting proposals to the students.