On May 10th, Altice Labs held its 126th Tech Day. The topic on the table, this time, was “Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)”.
Nuno Lourenço, from the University of Coimbra, was the keynote speaker and gave an overview of the subject, starting with its background and tracing its evolution to the present days.
Next, Sara Furão from Altice Labs’ Network and Platform Services department, gave a presentation entitled “BOTSchool Next Generation AI”. During her presentation, Sara addressed the work being done at Altice Labs, the developments already made, and the work that still needs to be done in this area.
Lastly, Abubakar Zakari, from the company Fashable, gave a presentation entitled “Fashable Generative AI Technology”. This presentation focused on the company’s work using Artificial Intelligence in composing its offer in the field that it operates, fashion.
During the session, the speakers had the opportunity to answer some questions posed by the audience regarding the use artificial intelligence in different activities, taking into account not only the added value and efficiency provided, but also the risks inherent to its use.
You can watch this session on Altice Labs’ YouTube through this link: https://youtube.com/live/8nShcuxDlqo.