A session was held on the 4th April 2019, at the José Falcão Elementary and High School in Miranda do Corvo, Coimbra, integrated in the “Girls in ICT Day” celebration, developed under the “Engineers for a day” project, of which Altice is a partner. This session, part of a sessions set for schools of the whole country, was aimed at 2 classes of the 10th grade of the Sciences and Technologies area.
“Engineers for a day” is a project promoted by the State for Citizenship and Equality Secretary implemented as a pilot experiment in 2017/18 under the coordination of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality and Instituto Superior Técnico. During the 2018/19 school year, the project has the joint technical coordination of the Charter for Diversity and the Commission for Citizenship and Equality and Gender, continuing the project by extending the partnerships that support it to a group of higher education institutions, companies and local authorities. Created in the context of the agenda for Equality in the Labor Market and in Companies, and in this, in the structuring axis to fight the segregation of men and women in certain professional areas, the project “Engineers for a day” aims to fight gender stereotypes and the subsequent sexual segregation in school, training and professional options.
In the opinion of Helena Margarida, from the Network Services and Platforms department, the engineer that hosted the session at this school: “My participation in this event may not leave a mark on the majority of the audience due to their young age and for not yet being aware of the importance that their choices will have in their future life. But it had the merit of giving me great pleasure to prepare, to relive a number of extraordinary moments that make up my professional experience, and to realize the huge pride I have in what I did and do in this engineering house”.
In the opinion of the heads of school it was “a very relevant, interesting and productive session. It captivated all students, which is not always easy, given the age”.