On the 3rd June, PT Empresas was at the 15th International Conference of the Portuguese Contact Centers Association (APCC), together with the Altitude partner, where they shared the vision of the future of Contacts Centers and the role of virtual assistants. The vision presented, of cognitive virtual assistants, is based on the BOT School platform, developed by Altice Labs.

This platform allows to create virtual assistants who take advantage, simply, of any existing human service or knowledge. BOT School enables the improving of the customer experience management capabilities of any company, regardless of industry, increasing the speed and consistency of responses and allowing humans to deliver an even more differentiated service to their customers. All this through a broad set of digital channels, including social networks, allowing companies to be present in their customers’ preferred channels. These virtual agents, with their own cognitive abilities, aim to help in the various activities of daily life, allowing to do so in a more efficient and contextualized way through natural language based on technologies that use the artificial intelligence technological area.

With this combination of factors it is possible to increase the customer satisfaction level by providing a better experience in contacts with the companies with whom there’s a relationship. This greater contact and efficiency in service will allow to create a lasting relationship, guaranteeing a greater return for any company, from any area that opts for the digitalization of its contact with the final customer.

The photographs of the event are available on the APCC website.