The first meeting of the IMAGINE-B5G project was held at the Valencia Polytechnic University, on February 1st and 2nd, with the participation of Altice Labs.

This project is being coordinated by the Valencia Polytechnic University and is integrated in the 1st phase of the Smart Network and Services Joint Undertaking program of the European Commission. It predicts the establishment of four experimental infrastructures in Portugal, Spain, France and Norway, with the intention of evaluating and validating 5G advanced technologies (“Beyond 5G”) in relevant use cases to multiple vertical sectors.

Altice Labs’ participation in this phase is ensured by Jorge Carapinha, Carlos Marques, and Fernando Morgado, members of the Innovation Strategy and Digital department. This participation focuses on the construction, evolution, and operability of the 5G experimental infrastructure, as well as the evaluation and validation of the results.

This project has an expected duration of 36 months and foresees the launch of three “Open Calls”, which aim to provide external entities, namely small companies, with the possibility of developing and evaluating scenarios for the application of the 5G advanced technologies in multiple contexts.

Besides Altice Labs, the Portuguese hub of IMAGINE-B5G also includes the participation of IT-Aveiro, Ubiwhere, and Capgemini.


PTQCI Project

The first meeting of the PTQCI project, in which Altice Labs is involved, was held at the Portuguese National Security Office, in Lisbon, on February 1st.

This project is being coordinated by the Portuguese National Security Office and predicts the establishment of a quantum cryptographic key distribution infrastructure, in Portugal, among several public entities in the Lisbon region. The project also aims to create a laboratory environment for the testing and validation of this technology.

Altice Labs’ participation is ensured by Rui Calé and Miguel Freitas, members of the Innovation Strategy and Digital department and is focused on the design and architecture of the software defined network that will interconnect the public entities. A future interconnection of this network with the corresponding European initiative – EuroQCI – is predicted, creating a common and highly secure key distribution infrastructure.