In the 2020 edition, the Annual Meeting Webinar, an initiative organized by the School of Technology and Health of Coimbra, was dedicated to the theme “Health 4.0 – Designing Health Tomorrow”, with several debates on artificial intelligence, sustainability, new technologies, health, Big Data and Omics. With a duration of two days, more specifically 26 and 27 June, this online initiative was attended by two collaborators from Altice Labs, Telma Mota and Francisco Fontes. They participated in the panel on Telehealth, on June 26, alongside César Nunes, from the Surgical Centre of Coimbra, Gabriel Pires, from the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar and Luís Gonçalves, from the University Hospital Centre of Cova da Beira, who was in charge of moderating the debate.

Francisco Fontes and Telma Mota presented the solutions that Altice Labs has been implementing, one of them already recognized in the Santa Casa Challenge. Smart Assisted Living, winner of this award, is a technological system focused on health management and medical assistance. This system allows the monitoring of patients, their vital signs and their daily activities, actions that can impact patients’ health, well-being and safety.

Medigraf is a telemedicine, teleconsultation and telediagnosis tool that allows remote communication and strengthens communication between healthcare professionals and their patients.

After presenting these solutions, collaborators of Altice Labs spoke about the biggest challenges and advantages with the introduction of 5G in the development of these tools.

With a very significant performance improvement, compared to existing networks today, 5G allows and facilitates the creation of a new generation of services and applications that can revolutionize the market and solutions in various areas. Telemedicine, or telehealth, is one of the greatest examples of this. The low latency and resilience of the 5G network will make healthcare solutions almost infallible, allowing a huge leap in technology. Altice Labs, always at the forefront of creation, has been developing numerous use cases with 5G technology already integrated, many of them in the healthcare area.